Navicore Employee Spotlight: Katie
Meet our Social Media and Web Coordinator
Name: Katie
Years of Service: 3 Years
Position: Social Media and Web Coordinator
What do you enjoy most about your position?
I enjoy getting to be creative and making personal finance fun for people. I like interacting with the clients and other people in the finance community through social media.
What three words describe Navicore as a company?
Supportive, Compassionate, Strong
What's the best career lesson you've learned?
Be open minded if your original plan is altered. Don't take things too personally if others have a difference of opinion.
What has been your proudest moment at Navicore?
Being granted the ability to create and host Navicore's podcast. The podcast, Millennial Debt Domination, has been a great opportunity to not only educate others, but also educate myself. I get to help my generation learn more about financial topics they didn't learn about in school. It's also a great experience to be able to interview a guest with a wealth of financial knowledge. Furthering financial education for younger generations is certainly something I am proud of.
What do you like to do when you're not at work?
I love to hang out with my friends and family when I'm not at work. I also like to chill out at my house and catch up on different television shows I'm missing.
What's your superpower?
Do you have a personal motto or mantra?
Everything happens for a reason.
Did you create or learn a new skill during the pandemic?
During the pandemic, I started going for runs after work. I learned how to pace myself and I now run 5 miles twice a week.
Who either living or dead would you like to have dinner with and why?
Taylor Swift. I just need to know where she gets all of her inspiration from.
Favorite travel spot?
Any all-inclusive resort.
How do you define success?
Completing a task and feeling good about yourself after.
If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?
Any person who performs on Broadway.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Working at a non-profit credit counseling company has been such a rewarding experience. Before I worked for Navicore I didn't know much about credit counseling. Now, I feel knowledgeable about not only credit counseling, but also the whole financial world. I've learned more about budgeting, finances, my retirement savings, and student loans working at Navicore than I would have working anywhere else. Navicore has really helped me think about my financial life for the better and I'm grateful to work for such an outstanding organization.
We'd like to thank Katie for her ongoing commitment to serving our customers.
Lori Stratford is the Digital Marketing Manager at Navicore Solutions. She promotes the reach of Navicore's financial education to the public through social media and blog content.
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