Navicore And Community Hope Partnership Provides Financial Education To Veterans And Their Families.
Navicore and Community Hope partnership provides financial education to veterans and their families.
This collaboration provides veterans with experts on housing and financial services.

One of the core services of Navicore Solutions is providing financial education through counseling, resources and workshops. Our community partners play a critical role in providing us the ability to deliver financial education to populations that might not receive it otherwise. In 2015, Navicore Solutions partnered with Community Hope on an initiative to bring financial education and counseling to veterans and their families.
Community Hope is a leading nonprofit that focuses on saving veterans and veteran families from homelessness. The Community Hope program, Hope for Veterans, provides supportive services for veteran families by providing rapid re-housing and homeless prevention services, transitional housing and permanent supportive housing.
The goal for the veterans and their families is to receive the assistance needed for stability, and then become independent. Each veteran's case manager works very hard to connect them with the services they need. Financial independence is often the objective, which is impossible to reach if the veteran does not have the proper financial knowledge. Navicore Solutions and Community Hope came together to find a way to share this knowledge with the veterans and also incorporate it into their case management process.
When a veteran meets with their Community Hope case manager, the services the veteran needs are determined. In addition, the case manager ascertains what is affordable for the veteran moving forward. The case manager refers the veteran to Navicore Solutions and a certified counselor conducts a financial counseling session with the veteran. Together, they discuss what caused any financial difficulty as well as their goals. The counselor reviews the veteran's current budget and their credit situation. The counselor and veteran create an action plan that will help resolve their financial struggles. The counselor also provides education and resources on budgeting and maintaining good credit.
At the completion of the session, a copy of the completed budget and the action plan is sent to the caseworker and the action plan is integrated into the case management process. The budget gives the case manager an idea of what the current financial situation truly looks like, and the action plan provides a road map for the veteran to follow to become more financially stable.
This relationship is a true collaboration in which the veteran and their family members receive services the experts in their respective fields. Community Hope provides the mental health assistance, case management and referrals. Navicore Solutions provides the financial education, counseling and guidance. We are very proud of the work that we do with Community Hope and the veterans, and look forward to continued success in the years to come.
Kim Cole is the Community Engagement Manager for Navicore Solutions. Kim provides financial education workshops and seminars to communities. Readers can submit general questions relating to personal finance, credit scoring, debt management, student loans, home finance or bankruptcy which may be highlighted in the next month's edition. All identifying information will be kept anonymous.
Please send your questions via email to DearKim@navicoresolutions.org