Meet Kane M., Navicore's 2018 Client Of The Year
Meet Kane M., Navicore's 2018 Client Of the Year
Medical Debt depleted this hardworking family's savings.

Kane lives in Louisiana with his wife, dog Bruno, and two cats. Kane was a police officer for twenty years, ending his law enforcement career assigned to the Drug Enforcement Administration, and receiving several awards. While not at work, he loves to run and cook.
Unfortunately, Kane was forced into early retirement in 2013 due to kidney disease. “I was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease, which runs in my family, when I was 19 years old,” says Kane.
Polycystic Kidney Disease has a slow progression. “I was doing fine until 2012 when I was training for a marathon and started having severe back pain. My nephrologist recommended an ultrasound and identified that my kidneys were enlarged.” This forced Kane to retire early from his job in law enforcement, leaving Kane to face his real problem, a serious kidney disease.
“I was in a clinical trial for almost a year with an experimental drug. The location of the trial was in Alabama. I traveled there every three weeks on my own dime. The medicine did not help and the expenses I incurred were not covered by insurance. Within the last six years, we have spent a ton of money on medical expenses, such as, surgeries, testing, doctor visits, medications, and travel,” says Kane.
Read More: Meet our 2017 Client of the Year
Kane is hopeful that the New Year will be a new start for him and his family. “One week before Christmas 2018, my wife was evaluated to donate a kidney to me. I was also placed on the national donor list the same week. The waiting list to receive a kidney is approximately six years.”
Although Kane is still working, it is in a different field. He was overwhelmed financially last year and was recommended to Navicore by one of his creditors. He can now see a light at the end of the financial tunnel. Kane says, “I think there are people like me in this world. Extremely hard working, however, something happens in their life which places them in a difficult financial situation. These folks want to honor their debts, however, the hard choice arises: do you pay for your medication or do you pay your credit card statement?”
Read More: Meet our 2016 Client of the Year
Navicore has provided financial education and support to individuals and families just like Kane's, for over 25 years. Take the step to get your finances back on track. Call Navicore Solutions for a credit counseling session at 1-800-992-4557 or click here to get started now. We are here to help.

Katherine Fatta is the Social Media Coordinator at Navicore Solutions. She creates fun and informative social media posts that engage the public.
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