Harrol’s COVID-19 Financial Recovery Program Success Story
I am a 70-year-old Black-African American male living in the prime of my life. I am married to Sheroll whom I have known for 48 years. We have 3 grown children. I am retired after 27 years as an Adult Probation Officer. I am an honorably discharged U.S. Air Force Veteran of the Vietnam War. I serve on several Community Boards and facilitate a community garden in the city park teaching young people how to garden.
I have been fortunate not to have contracted the COVID virus, however, I have three family members who were ill, but are now doing well. We have been blessed. Overall, worldwide we are at a new "normal" requiring us to be much more personable and caring with each other and as a whole.
How did Navicore Solutions housing counseling impact you?
Navicore Solutions' counseling impacted me by opening my eyes and my thinking toward homeownership. I was able to consider my finances and the responsibilities of owning my home.
My counselor and I had a refreshing conversation regarding the whole homeownership situation and for that, I thank you.
How has Navicore Solutions impacted your future?
At 70 years, it's not hard to conceptualize what my future looks like, both short and long-term. However long my life may be, looking at it without the burden of significant debt is very reassuring. Navicore Solutions' advice regarding a reverse mortgage provides much comfort as I face my remaining years.
How did your counseling session impact your ability to remain in your home?
The contemplation of whether to sell or not sell my home was a little overwhelming. If I sell and pay off all I owe, I will have to move and pay monthly rent elsewhere. But, to stay in my home and resolve my debt is a more viable option. My counselor reassured me that I was doing the right thing. My goal of building a sizeable financial nest egg seems much more practical now.
We wish to say thank you to Navicore for their help.
This counseling was made possible by funding support from the Wells Fargo Foundation for COVID-19 Financial Recovery Program.
Lori Stratford is the Digital Marketing Manager at Navicore Solutions. She promotes the reach of Navicore's financial education to the public through social media and blog content.
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