Navicore Launches ViaLink to Reduce Software Costs For Their Credit Counseling Partners
January 2018: Navicore Solutions has announced the launch of ViaLink, their financial counseling customer relationship management system, created for the credit counseling agencies who utilize Navicore’s Shared Service program for the servicing of their DMP portfolios. ViaLink is a database and counseling platform designed for Budget, Credit and Bankruptcy counseling. It provides extensive reporting capabilities and is being offered at no charge to their Shared Service partners.
The credit counseling industry has been under pressure for several years due to changes in the economic landscape, as well as, decreases in government and private funding for the industry’s Housing and Credit Counseling services. These changes have impacted credit counseling agencies of all sizes, resulting in agency closings, acquisitions, and mergers that have left consumers with fewer options for assistance.
“Navicore feels strongly that consumers are best served, and our industry is most impactful, when varied size financial counseling agencies are operating independently,” said Navicore Director of Industry Relations Phil Getz. “This allows us to provide much needed services within our local communities, while also meeting demands at the national level when crises arise.”
Decreasing revenues across the industry have made it difficult for many agencies to afford the upgrades in technology that are needed in today’s environment.
“ViaLink is the next step in Navicore’s effort to offer back-office efficiencies, cost savings and advanced technology to non-profit credit counseling agencies of all sizes,” said Mr. Getz.
About Navicore Solutions:
Founded in 1991, Navicore Solutions provides compassionate counseling solutions to consumers nationwide in the areas of personal finance, consumer credit, student loans, foreclosure prevention and homeownership.
For a demo of ViaLink, or to discuss Navicore’s Shared Service DMP portfolio management program, contact Phil Getz, Director of Industry Relations, at pgetz@navicoresolutions.org or at (732) 410-2675.